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bÜ|z|ÇtÄ TÜà|vÄx Impact of Female Genital Mutilation on Second Stage of Labour in Primigravida at Omdurman Maternity Hospital, Sudan 2010. Umbeli T Ahmed 1*, Salah Ismail 2, Kunna A 3, Rabaa Abd Elwahab 4 Najwa Alfaki 5, Sulman M Mirghani 6 Abstract: Objective: To find out the impact of female genital mutilation (FGM) on the second stage of labour at Omdurman Maternity Hospital.

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Johanna Fält Poikimahalvausongelma lypsykarjatilalla Opinnäytetyö Kevät 2015 SeAMK Elintarvike ja maatalous Maaseutuelinkeinojen koulutusohjelma.

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bÜ|z|ÇtÄ TÜà|vÄx Indications, Outcome and Complications of Ureteroscopy, at Gezira Hospital for Renal Diseases and Surgery, Sudan: a Seven Years ‘Experience Mustafa O Mansour1, Sami M Taha2*, AbdElmahmood Abdallah3 Mohammed El Imam1 ABSTRACT: Background: Ureteroscopy (rigid and flexible) with irrigating and working channels have expanded the capability of the urologist to diagnose.
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Lillas reporter David utmanar grymma bågskytten Tove i en skjutningsserie.
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bÜ|z|ÇtÄ TÜà|vÄx The Dilemma Of Malaria Diagnosis: How Accurate Are The Diagnostic Tools? Wadie Elmadhoun1, Omyma Elnoor Hassan2, Sufian KM Noor3, Sarra Bushar3, Mohamed H Ahmed4 Abstract Background: Malaria represents a major health problem for the public as well as clinicians and diagnosticians, because many diseases have similar symptoms to the symptoms of malaria. This study aimed.
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