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Diabeetiline suu Wobenzym
Product Description Supports the Immune System. Max Wolf’s systemic enzyme product, Wobenzym N, is the flagship product of Mucos Pharma. The sophisticated combination of the plant based enzymes bromelain and papain, the natural pancreatic enzymes trypsin and chymotrypsin, and the antioxidant flavonoid rutin support a healthy immune system.
Õiguskaitsevahendid diabeediga juuste väljalangemiseks
Wobenzym® PS Professional Strength Systemic Enzymes for Immune and Joint Support DESCRIPTION Douglas Laboratories, a leading provider of dietary supplements, is proud to offer its newest systemic enzyme supplement, Wobenzym PS. This product contains the authentic German Phlogenzym formula used by health professionals in Europe. Wobenzym.
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Wobenzym® N 800 Tabs. Some consider Wobenzyme to be the Rolls Royce of digestive enzymes. Wobenzyme has been available in Germany for more than 25 years has a long history of success. It is commonly recommended by German physicians.* Wobenzym N is a patented multi-enzyme product with a proprietary blend of proteolytic (protein digesting.
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Eligible subjects will have blood CRP 1 mg/L and 10 mg/L and will be in good health. The impact of Wobenzym PS on inflammation (vs. placebo) will be assessed by comparing the blood fasting concentrations and whole blood gene expression of anti- and pro-inflammatory proteins before and after the 4-week supplementation (Wobenzym and placebo).
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